Exclusive partnership between Axia Seeds and Village Farms


Village Farms International Inc. (VFF.TSX) with US headquarters in Heathrow, Florida and Axia Vegetable Seeds, BV located in Naaldwijk, Holland are pleased to announce a long term exclusive partnership among the two companies.

Village Farms is a progressive vertically integrated food company focused on growing, marketing, and distributing its branded fruits and vegetables to dedicated retailers throughout the United States and Canada. Axia is an innovative breeding company specializing in the development of vegetable seeds for protected crops. This is the first time Axia Vegetable Seeds will partner with any company in North America under an exclusive agreement.

According to Debi Street, Director of Variety Development & Innovations for Village Farms, “The two companies have forged a long term partnership and have created a unique relationship based on exclusive agreements to the benefit of both.”

“Village Farms continues to be steadfast in its efforts to search the world over for consumer-centric varieties and be first to market. The Axia partnership is the positive result of our dedication to this mission”, said Village Farms President and CEO, Michael A. DeGiglio. According to Axia the partnership will highlight their portfolio of products for the North American consumer.

Alois van Vliet, CEO of Axia had this to say, “Axia has found in Village Farms a partner who truly understands the importance of creating value with our tomato varieties by starting with the brand marketing that is focused on the consumer and their preferences.”

For more information on Village Farms, visit www.villagefarmsfresh.com

For more information on Axia Seeds :

