The Southern Roots Committee is honored to announce Village Farms very own Lyra Vance as the Southern Roots Member Spotlight for August 2020. Let’s take a moment and get to know Lyra!
1. Who has been the most influential person in your life?
My mother – she’s shown me how to love, how to be generous, how to be grateful for all the opportunities that have come my way in life and to truly cherish the journey not just the outcome.
2. Favorite Quote and Why?
I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou
Over my 30 year career I’ve had many great mentors who encouraged and made me feel valuable. I’m working with several right now at Village Farms. Positive people have tremendous power to affect, inspire and motivate others.
3. What’s the most important thing you’ve learned in your career?
Relationships matter and I’ve had the good fortune to make a lot of friends in this industry. Take time to nurture your friendships.
4. What is on your Bucket List you would most like to do?
Visit Madagascar to see rare animals and the humpback whale migration. Would also like to return to Botswana for a night safari. Being 12 feet away from a pride of lions in the moonlight is one of the most amazing experiences of my life.
5. Favorite Thing to Eat/Drink
IPA style beer, Jai Alai from Cigar City Brewing in Tampa.
6. What Advice would you give someone going into Leadership role for the first time?
Chances are you’ll be working more hours so make time for yourself to recharge each week.
7. If you could learn to do anything what would it be?
Hang gliding – once the initial fear of crashing subsides, I imagine hours of peaceful bliss. Closest I’ve come to this thrill is bungee jumping in New Zealand and Zambia.
8. When you have 30 min of free time what do you do?
Enjoy a bike ride outside in the fresh air or do some yard work
9. What’s your guilty pleasure?
Pizza with red sauce, extra cheese and veggies.
10. What are you passionate about?
Poker. I was a competitive athlete and poker provides an outlet for this energy. To be profitable one must be patient, disciplined and not allow emotions to guide your decisions. Poker is all about comfort with uncertainty…kind of like the produce business.